On Thursday, January 30th Sand Ridge Junior High will be having a College Career Day. This will be a day where every student in the school will be participating in activities that will give them a look at college and career opportunities. Each student will be participating in the day’s activities unless you notify the school that you do not wish for your student to participate. We are excited to offer these College/Career experiences for our students. If you have any questions, please contact the Counseling Department. Here is the outline of the day and what each grade will be doing.
7th Grade Job Shadow (students will not come to school)
Students will learn about careers by job shadowing someone they know.
Students will need to find a parent, guardian, relative of someone to Job Shadow. This means they go to work with them to experience what their job is like. Students also have the option to research a career if they cannot arrange a job shadow.
Students will have a Job Shadow Assignment they will get from their teacher. They will need to turn in this assignment by Friday, January 31st.
8th Grade Reality Town/Guest Presentation Speakers 12:00-2:30
Reality town is a fun activity in which students take on a career, salary, spouse (or lack of one), children and the financial obligations of a 30-year-old adult. Students must budget and meet all of the basic needs of their Reality Town family, including housing, transportation, groceries, childcare, clothing, insurance, etc. Students learn to juggle all of their financial responsibilities.
Students will also have the chance to experience a Sky Dome presentation and explore careers by utilizing Junior Achievement career activities.
9th Grade High School CTE Tour 12:00-2:30
Students will walk up to Roy High School or bussed to West Field High School with their teachers. Students will learn about the variety of CTE classes the High School offers. This will help students when they select classes for high school.
After the CTE tour, 9th graders will return to Sand Ridge and explore careers by utilizing Junior Achievement career activities.